Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, I'm going to take a bit of a hiatus.
You see, I've been trying to write this certain book for about four years. And November is National Novel Writers Month. The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.
I have 20 pages typed so far, so I can't exactly be a real competitor. We're supposed to start from scratch, but seeing as I've already started...that can't happen for me. My goals are really just to get through a basic rough draft of the plot, though there will be plenty of fleshing out afterwards.
So, I may post a weekly word count, but I'm going to try to focus my writing on my novel, instead of on my blog. I doubt anyone will be too disappointed.
Anyway, good thoughts and encouragement are appreciated!
Until December, then!


Heather said...

Good Luck!!! I have always wanted to write a book. With 4 young kids..I don't think it is bound to happen soon. :( You will do great. I can't wait to read it.

Janice said...

AHH, I'm signed up for nanowrimo too!! I have told myself I need to start tonight.....your post might be the push I need.

Pat said...

Hi, I'm a member of Nanowrimo too! Although I've been thinking about writing a screen play!

Good luck you to you! I hope you do well!

Pat (Spencer's Mom!)

Margaret said...

Good luck, Kate! Take advantage of having time to write. I hope we'll get to see some of what you're doing!