Monday, April 25, 2011

My life in random order.

I realize it's been a while since I last posted. A lot of my life is documented on my iphone camera and then made so interesting and beautiful through the instagram application. I thought I'd share a few bits of my life over the past two months. I was invited to Lady G's home for their family Easter feast. I love that family so much and I was so honored to be there. Her children put together an Easter egg hunt for us in the living room. Perfection. I also got to go to my church's Easter egg hunt the Saturday before Easter. Like good Methodists, we had an amazing potluck spread. I say that if it's a holiday, it's not considered gluttony. So, I found out that my department gives awards to students. I found this out because I was selected to receive one! I find out what it's for on Thursday at the Italian Feast! I made one of the best parking jobs ever in my life, and had to commemorate it with a victory note. (No, I left before they returned, so if someone got keyed, it wasn't my car!) Sometimes I like to sit in the driveway and listen to the radio with the engine off just for a little bit. It's getting too hot to do that now. My church remembered I was graduating and put me in the prayer bulletin. I'd like it if they prayed for me to get a job, too...Relaxing in my room. I love this room. This is my graduation dress. You might remember it from my dye day I stole a rose (it smelled so wonderful) and the Beast let me pass. Penny officially tested heartworm-free! She likes to sit in the chair at the vet's office. One of my favorite things about Texas in the Spring: The Bluebonnets came! I had the most amazing lunch of my life followed by the most amazing dessert of my life. Penny and I went home for spring break and got to spend some quality laziness time. Brother, Father and I went to the zoo and I got to see my friends the otters. Using my key at home for the first time since JANUARY! I went to the Save Texas Schools rally at the capital. Also attended the Austin Kite Festival. By myself, but still good. Snuggled with my pup while writing the last big paper of my graduate career.

Would you believe it? This is my last real week of school stuff and then I graduate in less than 20 days. I feel like I just started this madness and now it's over! Yes, I'm looking for jobs, but no I have no real leads yet. Fingers crossed, friends!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Too much exposition...

Sometimes I imagine that I'm in a movie. I have the voiceover and background music in my head as I open my door, put the dishes away, and begin to make tuna salad. Great opening for a movie, right? It would probably have some peppy music in the background, like "Unwritten" by Natasha Beddingfield, or whatever the popular equivalent of the day happens to be. Of course I'd have to put in some random kicky dance moves to make myself appealing to the audience and let them know that this is a happy movie. Alternately, "Right as Rain" by Adele could play to show that this is an empowering movie and I'm a little less naive than I would be with the previous song. In fact, if this blog entry were the voiceover for the opening scene in my movie, I'd switch right there, and then probably switch back to show that yes, I'm strong, but mostly upbeat.

And then there would be a lot of scenes with no music at all. These would be hilariously mundane, like when I was in the library and discovered I was too short for the books on the shelf. I found the little stool thing and kicked it in short bursts across the aisle until I could reach and get them.

Random scenes like that. Like at church were I'm sitting next to the new guy and trying not to look interested. Or when I come in to the toddler room and they all yell "KAAAAATE!!!" Penny would probably be in a lot of them, probably for comedic relief or to serve as an outside observer making commentary on my actions through her eye rolls.

These are all scenes that build appreciation and understanding of the main character. These are all scenes that take place before something big happens, before the plot line starts turning up. Before the main character is swept up on some adventure or meets that special/interesting/horrible person who makes life wonderful/a new experience/just awful, leading the character to live life differently.

I haven't exactly had that yet in my movie. My initial incident hasn't happened, there is no rising action or subplot. Just a lot of exposition right now.

Or is it all 'initial incidents'? Is it all rising actions, a series of climaxes and subplots and denouements. Will I only know the story of the movie of my life when it's all over, in like 65, 70 years? I'd like to know at least what genre it is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, I just applied for two jobs in Hawai'i. Yeah, THAT Hawai'i. I think that's the first out of state application I've filled out so far. I could definitely do Hawai'i.
The thing is, I'd apply for these jobs if they were anywhere, so I really would like to get one of them. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also, I got 19 pageviews from Iran today. Feel free to make your presence known!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Delving into minutiae

Whenever I am faced with a big life change or lots of duties and decisions to be made, I tend to pick one tiny detail and devote an insane amount of attention to it. For graduation, it's the outfit, and in particular the shoes.
I did this exact same thing with my undergrad and high school graduations. The shoes are the only things visible other than the required regalia and I think that is an excellent opportunity for whimsy. For my undergrad, I chose some turquoise kitten heels because they could be seen pretty well from a distance and they were really just fun (unfortunately, they also rubbed blisters all over my feet and the paint peeled off them in several places, hence the new search).
This year, I want to pay homage to my alma mater by wearing purple shoes. Sadly, many purple shoes I have admired in the past are long since gone. It seems purple is a color relegated to the hookers and clubbers of the shoe world, with disgustingly high platforms and velvet and skinny, skinny heels, so my search is entertaining but in vain.
I have gone so far as to consider buying character shoes and dyeing the leather (which I read can be done), which might be a good choice anyway because who can tell the difference and they should be rather comfortable. (Plus, just imagine, "Hey! I LOVE your shoes!" "Thanks, I dyed them myself!")
Nevermind the fact that I still don't know where I'm going to work or live in just about five weeks' time, those shoes are the top priority! (insert eyeroll here) Maybe it's because I can definitely control this aspect of the insane changes my life is about to go through.