Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Farm box take 2

this week, I got:
A butternut squash
A couple zucchini
swiss chard
a bag of peppers
a bag of lima beans

I'm so excited about this week! I'm going to make a modified version of Mexican street corn, and I think I'm going to do something combining the limes, pears, and peaches (jam? bread?), and maybe something involving the peaches and the peppers. What do you do with swiss chard? What about butternut squash?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Farm Boxin' it up!

So, I recently joined (because I had a groupon) a service which provides fresh local produce to your door every other week. Today, my first-ever farm box arrived!
I was so very excited!
Within were:
A head of butter lettuce
a bag of lima beans
a bag of okra
three tomatoes
four pears
a canteloupe
two acorn squashes
two zucchinis
two yellow summer squashes
two cucumbers

Basically, I'm stoked. I quickly read up a few recipes. The lima beans will probably be my dinner for tonight and lunch tomorrow. For the rest, I have great plans! My friend Emma is visiting for dinner Friday so I am making acorn squash with chile-lime vinaigrette, canteloupe sorbet (that's actually in the works right now), vanilla roasted pears (I kind of don't want to wait until Emma gets here to make these...but then they would be gone before she came. Not so hospitable.) and cucumber melon salsa.

I'm super excited to see Emma as she's been away at camp all summer and I've not seen her since I first moved in around the week of July 4.
I was going to post some pictures but my internet connection is precarious. We'll try again with the finished products, which I'm sure will look much prettier.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would this be considered emotional constipation?

I feel like there is so much inside of me that I can't get out. I feel like I'm one of these:

Only with all the shapes inside. And I don't know what they look like. And I don't know what the holes look like. There are so many feelings I can't name swirling around. I have no idea how to release them. I don't even know if I could label them.
Dance was the closest thing to getting all that out I ever had. A physical, intellectual, and emotional release. I'm going to have to start using that outlet soon. I don't think the neighbors would take lightly to some primal scream therapy.

Wanted to talk about one other thing. This Sunday, I hadn't planned on checking out churches yet. But I woke up early and thought "Why not?" so I got dressed and took Penny out, and then it was time to leave for Sunday school and I just couldn't make it out the door. No problem, I thought, I can just go to service. But again, I just couldn't go. I've never been that crippled by social anxiety. That afraid that I wouldn't meet anyone. And I let that fear keep me from meeting anyone, nice, mean, judgmental or otherwise. Fail.