Tuesday, June 29, 2010

hmm, revamp

My blog has lacked structure lately. And photos. I have decided, therefore, to change my format. Because a lot of my posts are complaints, I have decided that I'm going to focus on things I love. I will also mention things I don't love, but I'm also going to post how I'm going to change it. All of this should have at least one to three photos because, well, I think that will make things better all around and more entertaining (as a certain Disney villain once said, "How can you read this? There aren't any pictures!"). There will be messiness, because I, being a person who has ADHD (and has had it her whole life), am very bad at being organized and sticking to a system. But I will try. And maybe you readers can help me!
So, on to the first post!
Things I love:
Had to include Penny! As you can see, I've decided to forego the whole "no dog on the bed" rule. It lasted awhile, though!

This corner of the room. Let me point out the particulars. That blanket I crocheted in my last year at college (the year I started this blog!) and even though I didn't weave in the ends properly, I love wrapping myself in my gypsy blanket.

And of course, who could miss George Seraut's Sunday Afternoon on the Island de la Grande Jatte? A mild obsession with Sunday in the Park With George has secured my love for this painting and it has hung in every dorm room and apartment I've lived in since college (except for when I moved back home last year).

I took a trip to Austin for the day a couple weeks ago and strolled down South Congress (another "things I love" post for another day). I passed by a couple who were shadily leaning against a wall offering for people to look at their art. Most of it wasn't my thing, but then I saw this: and I really couldn't stop looking at it. This is an original and they gave it to me for $10. The next day I found a frame for it and put it on the wall. The artist is Levi Glassrock and he and his wife Sarah have a character called "stitchlip." They are on myspace, zazzle, youtube
and all sorts of things!

Oh my! It seems the Puppeh really likes to get into my pictures. I love this dog!

Probably among my favorite purchases was my bird sticker. I got this tree and a billion birds at Target. The flying birds are all heading over my window and the perching birds are hanging out on top of various pictures and frames in my room. Can you find the perched bird in this picture?

Now, things I don't love:

I tend to spread out clothes to dry on Penny's crate. And then I just drop stuff on it. And then the books on the top shelf get knocked over and I never put them back up because I'm too short to reach it without putting myself in danger.

What I'm doing to fix it:

I cleaned. Simple.

I don't know how long I'm going to format it like this; feedback would be great! For now, however, I think this is a nice change.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On Unwanted Suitors

Umm, I'm having a bit of a situation. Without revealing too much in case by some miracle of the interwebs they find this, I THINK I'm being pursued. By two men. In whom I have absolutely no interest. One is the first person I met in my program and he is a very nice person but I don't feel that we would be good for each other. And I think that he would see that fairly quickly were we to become involved. But it seems that he's been pursuing me -- unbeknownst to me -- since close to the beginning of the school year.
And on top of that, one of the men in the storytelling group I attend has been making overtures quite out of the blue. He called me sweetie and walked me to my car and gave me what I will deem the most awkward hug in the history of my life. This morning he started texting me and again texted me tonight asking how my day had been, where before I really don't think he had shown much interest.
My issue in both these situations is that I am not interested in dating these guys but also I have no experience letting people down easy (or rejecting them in general to be truthful). And they are both being a little vague about their intentions as well. I will see both of these people at gatherings over the course of the next year and I don't want to make things difficult or uncomfortable for either of us or the people in the group. Any tips people?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

That does it!

Somebody get me a tapestry needle. I'm changing my name to Penelope.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reliving nostalgia

Recently, I received a free subscription to netflix. I quickly stocked my queue and began watching whatever I could on demand. This led me to Shelly Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre. I watched a few episodes and came to one I recognized immediately, Sleeping Beauty. I must have seen it at a babysitter's house or something. Those of you who have seen this know that it's set in Russia and uses Tchaikovsky's original score from the ballet, and also that it features, among others, a young Christopher Reeve. I was not yet ten when the horseback riding accident robbed him of his mobility and I did not see many of his films or appearances. The minute he turned around his handsome head and played the humble, smiling, eager "squire" to the "significantly more handsome" "prince", I fell in love in a way I fell in love with Kevin Kline the first time I saw Pirates of Penzance and they way I fell for Kevin Kline again when I saw him in Cyrano de Bergerac. And I began to mourn for real the loss of this beautiful man. Mourn for his wife, widowed only a short time before she, too, left this world, leaving her son to walk the world alone.
I wish he was still here to lend his comedic turn to the stage today. I wonder what the world might be like if we were still graced with his presence.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm sorry.

I'm sure things are fine, and I can remember other posts I want to write at the present, but I'm really not in the mood to write anything, or at least anything too uplifting. I'm lonely and feeling a bit friendless and bemoaning the absence of someone to come home to (Penny only barely counts). The absence of someone who wants to hear about my day, of someone who cares. I'm sure another day and another time I won't feel this way, but for now I wish I had a companion.