When I get personal mail or invitations or just something really pretty that I like, I post it on my mail wall. I think it's a nice little collage of all sorts of wonderful things. Most of them are from the one, the only, Carrita, which is totally fine by me. I'm a bit sentimental. I even sometimes keep thank-you notes. Penny's diploma is up there too (and soon will be joined by another!). Soooo....if you want to make my wall, send me some mail! If I don't know you in person, sorry, you don't get to join, unless you want to make me something, scan it, and email it to me. MAYBE it'll make the wall.
My Tiny, Tiny Desk
I found this guy when I was looking for a wardrobe or dresser. This desk is my size! It's been redone, restained, had more patch-jobs and repairs than I can even count. When I bought it, it had a whole bunch of water damage and deterioration, which is gone, but I'm waiting for my uncle to help me finish the rest as I currently lack the proper power tools. When it's finished, I'll be able to completely use it as an actual desk. I also need to find the perfect chair for it as my current one is too wide to fit it.
Yes, it looks cluttered. This will change when the drawers have bottoms.
My Tiny, Tiny Desk
Yes, it looks cluttered. This will change when the drawers have bottoms.
Farmers' Markets
I've gone to my local farmer's market for the past two weeks to get my bread and honey. These people sell organic, local, in-season veg, local raw organic honey (strange the way honey is treated, filtered, etc., as it's a natural antiseptic), grass-fed beef and even bison! I got a loaf of sourdough for my sandwiches and might get some bison jerky next week. We'll see. When I move to a larger city, I'm excited about the variety of the stalls and perhaps even a flower stall!Things I Don't Love
Being Accident Prone
Last week I walked barefoot out to the driveway and stepped on some glass. I thought, "ow, but no big deal, I'll just get it out" however, I couldn't. I soaked it for ages in a hot hot hot tub, but the next morning I could barely walk on it. So I called my doctor, who said I had to go to a surgeon, who was booked and suggested I go to a podiatrist. They fit me in between appointments and were the very nicest people I have ever dealt with. As I was getting ready to leave, the lady at the front desk asked if I'd gotten a pen and a magnet and a card, because she was SO excited about giving them out, and then she was almost crestfallen when she realized they were out of magnets. Among the diplomas and certificates this doctor had displayed on his wall was an award from his medical association for "Nicest Doctor". I was SUCH a baby when he numbed up my foot. He had to lean my chair all the way back so I didn't faint, I started getting nauseous, and I cried a lot. All the while I apologized for being such a baby!He got two pieces of glass out from the ball of my foot just below my little toes and told me not to get it wet for a few days (which I managed until I went glass bottomed kayaking with my dad that Saturday).
Saying Goodbye
Being Accident Prone
Saying Goodbye
My dear friend Miss Willow is moving several states away tomorrow. I got a great short visit from her a couple weeks ago and we had a grand time. Grandest of grand. She is such an awesome lady, so encouraging, and I know that she is going to do wonderfully in the frozen tundra, but I am going to miss her. Even though she wasn't close enough to see very often, I had the security of knowing that when I went home to see my family I could possibly see her. I love you, Heath! And I am absolutely certain that the frozen tundra will be a little warmer having you in it!
I like this post, Skate...I'm so sad I've only just now seen it! I miss you oodles, and I can't wait to see you at Christmas! I had an absolutely fabulous time with you before I left, lady. Oh, and I absolutely cannot wait to debut your masterpiece. I keep seeing it in my closet and can't help but finger it when I see it. It's just so lovely! Like you! Love you, "lobely" ;)
i love your mail wall, too :) and everything else you mentioned, including miss willow! and not including your pobre foot. :(
SPEAKING OF YOUR MAIL WALL, guess what i got in the mail today??? the most random thing ever... hahahahaha. i loved it. the packaging was just too grand for words. expect some creativity coming your way....
and the clip is way cute. :)
Hooray! I'm so glad it came in!
I was looking all over my room for a tiny box and then, eyes blazing, I turned to see the stack of CD cases. "If you can mail a coconut," I thought "You can most certainly mail a CD spindle." Glad you like the clip! Super easy to make...I might be making myself some more of these in the future.
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