Thursday, October 14, 2010

on roots

I've been thinking a lot about roots lately. When I graduated from college and found myself back at my parent's house for a year I was determined not to put down roots. I didn't want to meet anyone new, I didn't want to form new relationships, because I was so sure I would leave very soon and start my own life. I visited the university often and talked with those people constantly to stay in touch. I still had roots there. But then I got a job at the church, a minor childcare job which turned into something I loved beyond words. I made friends with my co-workers and my boss. I fell in LOVE with my two year olds (who are now turning five). I set down roots against my will.
When I came to grad school, I didn't think I'd make friends (I don't quite remember why). I thought I would be rather alone and just sort of "lift out." But now, again, I am SO in LOVE with my Sunday School kids (this time pre-teens) and the children at the center where I work. Seeing them smile when they see me and come running to wave, high-five, or hug me just lights up my day. I love seeing them learn new things. My pre-teens are hilarious (one of them draws bunnies with jet packs at any chance he gets) and challenging and a joy to be around.
And then there are my friends. A friend of mine who went to college with me lives just 45 minutes away with her brand-new husband, and they have meant so much to me during this time. Another college friend just started grad school at the same university and we commiserate on occasion. This school is so different from our undergrads and it is refreshing to have a little of that back.
My point is, it's like I'm a plant that's been uprooted several times. When you pick up a plant, a lot of their tiny roots stay in place and are removed from the plant. The plant also carries a bit of soil from the place they were, well, planted. When you re-plant it, it goes through shock and then sets down roots until you decide to transplant it again. I've put down roots and left a piece of me there in every place I have lived and with every friend I have made, and I still have a little piece of them going around with me. I'm rooted in so many places right now, and so many people have a piece of me with them.
I guess that's all. Maybe someday I'll try to draw it.

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