Thursday, July 28, 2011

Only the Lonely...

So, I am loving the place where I work. On Monday, I officially start paid work wherever that may be, but these two weeks have been an awesome growth experience.

But my post right now is to sigh a little bit. Summers since grad school started are kind of lonely. My grad school best friend goes to a camp all summer long, and while I had a wonderful lunch with her and she helped me unload my first car load into the new apartment, I haven't seen her since and I miss her.
Furthermore, I am now having to make NEW friends. It's strange how hard that is. I mean, my personality can be very extroverted. I want to be with people. But my extroversion is complicated by the fact that I want to be around small groups of people who are like-minded and have strong relationships with them.
That's great because one of my favorite married couples lives in the city, but I haven't even seen them in awhile. I was supposed to see them tonight but I had a work thing.
I guess that cup is feeling empty right now. Loneliness is a particular goblet which for me can only be filled with quality time with close friends. I just don't have a lot of those here yet!
(PS, thinking of what word to use for a cup just now put this scene from The Court Jester in my head. Another movie on my wish list!)


Jenn and Michael said...

i miss you jones! and i'm so proud of you for finishing grad school and moving out on your own! you are an inspiration and i know you'll make friends and be successful wherever you go. way to go freaky knees!!!!!

skatej said...

Thank you Jeminifer! I think of you often lately! Not sure what brings it on, either. Thank you for your kind words!

carriehammie said...

LOVE this movie. :) LOVE you, too. i need to hear about your life in person sometime soon. word verification is tiork, btw. i like it.

skatej said...

Well come visit! Work is keeping me here for awhile. I want to hear about your life too. Skype me if nothing else!
Thanks for telling me what the WV was. It's very important.

Anonymous said...

KATE JONES! I wish I knew about this blog earlier than this very moment! I will now use it to keep from studying for comps :). I am SO EXTREMELY HONORED to be mentioned, not once, but TWICE, in your blog. You are the BEST and I will come visit on October 8th! So don't make any plans!!! LOVE YOU.
xo Emma