Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Things

1. I am making steps toward starting my doula practice. I've enlisted the services of a very talented graphic designer friend to develop my logo, and I'm meeting with my aunt (a successful business owner and all-around amazing lady) in two weeks to talk about the business side of things. The skills I know about from grad school are mostly under the non-profit administration side of things, so I have a bit to learn.
2. I am going to apply for a fellowship with one of my dream organizations. It's due at the end of March. I'm trying VERY hard not to talk myself out of it. If I get it, that means Penny and I will pack up and head to New York City for a year! So, my friends with experience in the city (YOU know who you are), I may need your expertise and advice in finding an apartment in a not-scary part of town. Or to figure out how far I can commute. This fellowship is SUPER competitive so I highly doubt I'll get it, but if I do, then it will be fulfilling a quite literally lifelong dream.
3. I accidentally paid my March student loans with my January and February ones. Whoops! But that also means I am safe until like April 6.
4. I'm really loving my life here. Exciting things are in the works! It would take something like this awesome fellowship to take me away from it.

That being said, and keeping in mind I don't really have reliable internet and am currently typing this while standing up as my laptop sits atop my telephone stand, I haven't felt like blogging much lately. And I think that's healthy. But for those of you who still care and sometimes read, watch this space, because something is going to happen. Probably not what I think. But something.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm still alive!

I kind of hate blogging right now. Perhaps it's because of my unpredictable internet connection. However, I thought I could at least give you a few updates with projects I'm working on or have completed. And because a blog about projects without pictures is really boring, here they are!

Finished my color wheel project. Here are the first six. The blue and purple one is along the lines of the orange and yellow one.

My dishwasher broke and they left behind one of the shelves. Naturally this became a hanging collage. I call it the Magpie Nest. Basically anything shiny or interesting goes up there.

I'm experimenting with art. This is an illustration from The Six Swans. It's supposed to reflect the transformation moment. Still a piece I'm working on.

So, this is my couch. It is actually the couch my mother used for her first apartment. She and her mom found it at a flea market and my grandmother made the cushions. Yes, these cushions are over 30 years old. I already got rid of the rocking chair cushions but needed to save some $$ to make cushions for the couch. Upholstery foam is expensive! As is upholstery fabric. On January 2, I grabbed my Joann Fabric app on my phone and went to town. Foam was 50% off, and I used a 40% off coupon for the fabric.

I could only really afford one cushion, but still. I have enough fabric for another cushion, and I'm going to make some throw pillows out of some other fabrics I fell in love with at the store. If I use my coupons wisely, I won't have to pay full price once! Also, in a testament to my insanity and sheer hatred of measuring and fear of sewing machines (we're working on it), I hand-sewed this bad boy. Eventually I'll probably pull out the stitches and put in a zipper.