Sunday, April 27, 2008

Semester's End is Always the Busiest!

Well, it's finals week. I have finished one of two papers due this week, and still have three finals. Strangely, I'm not overwhemled yet.

That's probably because I'm so tired.

I have, however, put together my jewelry making exhibit for the library (for non-attenders, our jewelry making class always puts together displays of our individual pieces and places them in a display case in the library for all to see, it's a good opportunity to let everyone see what you've been doing all year). I had nine pieces, though I've really made somewhere around 14. I've given away or sold five pieces and did not have them to display. Four of those pieces are simply other copper pendants (one was copper wire wrapped and really cool, and I didn't get a picture, but I think I may make another one for myself!), and one was the silver rose ring, of which I made a gold version that is infinitely cooler. Pictures will be posted soon.

I don't know if I've told everyone my plan for the rest of this year. I'm graduating in August, not May (which is fine because it's still a year early), and then I'm working for a year (maybe more). Hopefully at MHMR here in town, so I can be near my friends at school (plus I just really like this area of Texas). While working, I'm going to take two classes (personality theory and painting) at a community college so I don't have to start paying back loans, and then I will apply for art therapy programs for the following year (along with graduate assistantships).

Anyway, I'm excited for the chance to live on my own and still have my friends from around here close.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Good luck on your finals!!! I feel your pain. This is the first semester out of 4 that I haven't been attending full time. Finals are such a stress!!! You will do great!!! Have I told you that one of my daughters loves to draw. She is only 7 but people have already commented on how well she does. We are hoping to get her into private lessons soon. Have a great week and study hard!!!