Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Many Kids' Menus?

This past weekend my family and I went to Galveston and had a wonderful time. I hadn't been there in eleven years and really love the atmosphere there. Besides that, though many people complain about the dirty water you can't see through, I don't mind and still love the view.
One night my family and I went to eat at Fish Tales, which is right on Seawall and has a view of the water. I put our name on the list and we all waited together for our little diner thing to vibrate. When we went back up to the hostess, she, looking directly at me, said "how many kids' menus?" Then, seeing the look on my face, she followed up "none?" I think I said something like a very affirmative "NONE" in response.

In Texas (I don't know about the rest of the world) you are too old to recieve a kid's meal when you turn twelve years old. In September I will turn 22 years old. Tell me truly, do I look ten years younger than I am? I was dressed nicely, I didn't have my hair in pigtails or anything like that. However this girl who is likely more than four years younger than I felt it necessary to ask if I needed a kid's meal. This is at the same dinner where a bunch of teenage girls flirted with my brother (who just recently turned 18).

I understand that being short makes me look younger, and on top of that I have a bit of a babyface. I have very petite features and an annoying high pitched voice (really I like how it sounds in my head better than in real life) that someone once described as sounding like a child. I realize the odds are against me. However, it is more important now than it has been before that I look my age. I am looking for a real job, a job where I will interact with people. If I cannot find a way to demand respect from my coworkers immediately off the bat I am afraid I will be walked all over. Many times I let this roll off, but people treat eleven year olds much differently than they treat twenty one year olds. I would rather be treated my age than like a preteen.

EVERYONE who misjudges my age immediately tells me that when I'm forty I will appreciate this, but at 21 this has become more than a nuisance. I cannot stand eighteen year olds treating me like a child.

The problem is I have no idea how to make myself appear my age. I suppose that when I get my braces off it will help, but not by a lot.

Sorry I had to rant, I just hate being told over and over again how young I look and how I'll appreciate it when I'm older. Not hate, but I am tired of it. People in my summer class even thought I was fifteen.
This is probably one of the most recent photos I have of me. Tell me, is that the face of a twelve year old?


Heather said...

It certainly does not look like you are 12. I think it will amaze you how much older you will look when the braces are off. I am sure it is frustrating. You are a beautiful woman inside(from what I know) and outside so those who will take the time to get to know you (I.e. employers and co-workers) will realize that you are a very smart woman and that you have a lot to offer any company!

skatej said...

Thank you Heather. Times like this just play on my insecurities.

Robin said...

You look young, but definitely not 12!!!! But, I have totally been there too. I have always been placed about 4 years or so younger than I am and I can't agree more that it gets old. "You'll appreciate it when you're older" is the most annoying phrase ever. I think my face is finally starting to catch up with my age though(although I still get carded everywhere for everything) so maybe I will start appreciating it soon! Don't worry about it too much. When people talk to you and get to know you, they will realize you're obviously not 12 (or whatever age) and will begin to see you as the beautiful 21 year old that you are. I can relate to the struggle as it scared me too when I was about to enter the workforce. I soon realized though that once my co-workers talked to me, they treated me as an equal and not as some kid. (Plus, they were all so ancient that it was probably harder for me to not think of them as old fogies than it was for them to not think of me as a kid lol)

I say take advantage of it while you can... take the kids menu as often as you can because they're usually cheaper..and everyone can save a little money! ;)

Margaret said...

Some people are just terrible at estimating ages. You certainly don't look 12.

Until VERY recently, people always assumed I was much older than I am. When I was 12, I was tall, so people assumed I was out of highschool. From the time I was 12 or 13 I had people seating my in the bar because they thought I was 21. I didn't get carded until a couple of years ago (now people ask me for my ID all the time, but I think it's just to make me feel better). Anyway, some people are just dumb, and they assume tall=old, shorter=younger.

Thankfully, there are lots of people who pay more attention!