Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nearing the end...

Two papers this week.
Two summary papers next week.
Also a comprehensive exam in essay form next week
Also two final exams next week
Also a ten page literature review next week.
And then I can go home.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I hate feeling weird and not knowing the reason behind it.
I also hate that my mom, the woman I have come to all my life for help with any problem but especially medical concerns, is of no use after 9 pm because she takes her meds then.
I also really hate lupus and what it does to her. It takes her away from us in more ways than I would have imagined when she was diagnosed four years ago.
Lupus is a faceless disease and especially in the midst of all the Susan G Comen foundation it gets no press and therefore fewer research dollars. According to The Lupus Foundation of America, approximately 1.5 million Americans have some form of Lupus.
As with most autoimmune diseases, the cause of Lupus is not known. It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition that only exhibits as the illness when exposed to certain triggers. Obviously more research is needed in this area. If you're looking to support a cause with your Christmas money, go to The Lupus Foundation of America's website.
Ironically enough, there's a walk for lupus, but it's during the day, which means that those suffering from the illness who are light sensitive (my mom can't spend too much time in ANY light) cannot participate.

Friday, November 20, 2009

On grad school

Tired. Always tired.
Lots of work. Little time.
Lots of time, really, too tired to take advantage.
Miss home
Miss family
Miss friends
Yes child life specialist? No child life specialist?
Not for profit org. work? Which one?
Just want to play with kids.
And tell stories.
And conduct research.
And teach parents.
And play.
And do plays.
And dance.
Paper? Work. Work? Tired. So tired.
Hiking? no.
Take over my lease? Please?
Drunken room mates.
Room mate and boyfriend fight outside my door.
House open.
PLEASE take over my lease!
My favorite socks are broken. They are older than me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can short girls be funny?

Hey all! I should be doing this one last assignment (and I WILL) but first I have a thought.
As anyone who's read my blog for a while knows, I am a huge fan of Carol Burnett. I love the idea that women can do physical, oddball comedy along with being witty. I would absolutely love to emulate this style of comedy were I ever to get the chance to do something on stage again (I hope soon! Not until after grad school of course). The thing is, I am 4'11 1/2" and Carol Burnett is 5' 6 1/2" (if IMDB is to be believed...I thought she was taller). Carol can do this wonderful falling on her face comedy and people laugh. Even though I have long enough limbs to have the appearance of being tall with no other visual reference nearby, I think the same type of comedy may not translate to someone as small as me. If a tall person falls all over herself, tripping over giraffe-like limbs, it's hilarious. But if a small person falls, people tend to go "oooh! is she alright?" Is this a fair assumption?

So what's a short person to do? Am I stuck with witty one-liners? Do I not get to do physical comedy at all? Or would I just have to stick with visual short jokes (Imagine, I appear at the top of a staircase in a flowing ballgown. On the opposite side of the stage my partner appears, dapper in his tux and tails. We float down the stairs and meet centerstage to waltz together, my face buried in his stomach.) Do any of you have knowledge of petite comediennes who were successful in making physical comedy part of their act?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I had absolutely no interest in Disney's new feature "The Princess and the Frog." I have fallen out of love with Disney animated features that have become less cinematographically pleasing, less about art, less about plot, and more about pumping out sequels in a high volume so as to capitolize on previous success (I'm looking at you, Cinderella 2 and 3!).
HOWEVER, I have since learned that The Princess and the Frog is
hand-animated! Hand-drawn! None of this "let's make it perfect with computers" junk. Personal. Art-filled. Some of the stills I have seen do not yet convince me that it's as artistic as the predecessors the backgrounds are based on (namely "Bambi" and "Lady and the Tramp"), but I hope that I am pleasantly surprised.
Honestly I'd be interested to see what this new batch of animators would do with backgrounds like the beautiful 101 Dalmations. Or the tapestry-inspired backgrounds of Sleeping Beauty. Thanks, Disney, for remembering that ART has a place in your movies. Please don't forget it for another ten years.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Yesterday in class my professor gave us a demonstration (using yours truly as a volunteer) on the magic glove technique, which uses a form of guided imagery and relaxation to reduce pain in blood draws, IV sticks, etc. It was really amazing. Apparently my hands were different colors when it was going on, which I guess means a difference in blood flow. She tested the back of her earring on my hands, and I barely felt it on my 'magic glove' hand, but definitely felt it on my other hand! It worked so much better than guided imagery experiences I'd had before, even in a class full of people crowding around to see it happen!

So much is piling up and I am just hoping to stay on top. I definitely cannot allow any of this to take me over. I am trying to take my assignments one step at a time and not get so overwhelmed that I'm of no use to anyone. I'm trying to just avoid personal problems that I cannot fix and get out of the situation as quickly as possible. I'm a bit afraid of how crazy things are going to be until the end of the semester but I know that making it through will be a testament for me that I can do things that are difficult.
And it is amazing to me that when I get so lost in what I'm doing, something pops up and reminds me how much I'm going to love my job when all is done. I think it'll be harder than anything I've experienced, but also it'll be so rewarding.

Things are getting hard for me on a personal level, in a couple of aspects of my life. I have possible opportunities to escape both of them, so please be in prayer about that.

On a sort of lighter note, a random guy friended me on facebook and started talking to me last night. Just in case any men are reading this at all, here's a top ten list of things NOT to do when you first talk to a girl, when you approach, and she feels you might be a bit creepy so is on the defensive.
10. Do not have only six pictures on your profile, all of them showing off your disgustingly molded muscular body-builder features. (It's like red flag number one for me.)
9. Do not call the girl you're talking to: an actress, a cynic, or a man-hater, simply because she may be being rude to the creepy muscle man who is talking to her out of the blue.
8. In trying to prove your motives are pure, don't throw scripture at her, misinterpret it, and then tell her that as a Christian she is obligated to trust you. (I'm still trying to figure out how that works.)
7. Do not call her out for judging you while refusing to admit you are judging her as well.
6. DO NOT ask her what's wrong with her when you find out she is 23 and has never been on a date (and I quote: "why not? You're cute, have a nice build, and seem interesting, so why hasn't anyone asked you out?")
5. When she lets on that she's getting a creepy vibe from you, don't take that as a signal to ask how far she's gone with a guy.
4. While calling her out on judging you, keep in mind the liberal dose of self-worship that's going on on your profile. And the fact that hot girls make up the majority of your friends on facebook.
3. When you find out that she's held hands with a "boyfriend" she had for a tiny amount of time in the seventh grade and that's it, do not say (quoting again) "Wow, I know only two other girls like you, and you're the only one under 300 pounds." (compliment city, my friends)
2. When you ask her about politics and she's appeared to be a strong, independent, and in this case combative woman so far, expect her to take the opposite viewpoint to yours. Especially when you argue your case so poorly. And don't extrapolate something like a historical reference without a source to back it up. Seriously. Momma didn't raise no fool.
1. When a girl asks you why you friend requested her in the first place and you say "I was interested in you" please be more specific. From chiseled muscle men like you, every word sounds like a come-on. (and please, COME ON!)

Seriously, I don't know why I kept talking to him. It was like a car wreck that I was participating in and could not stop watching at the same time. I dealt with this guy for probably close to three hours and it only stopped because I thought he blocked me. He didn't I guess, but I de-friended him this morning. Dudes, don't expect every Christian to be as conservative as you, and don't basically call them idiots or the devil if they take a more moderate, middle-of-the-road, everything-is-not-all-black-and-white stance. And don't you DARE judge my faith based on my suspicious reaction to a creeper who pops up on facebook chat. I think it can bring out the worst in all of us. And if you're going to ask a question or make an argument, MAKE SENSE! Gaaah!

To end it all, I had a very strange dream last night: I gave birth to a little girl, but when I woke up that next day, she had grown to be a toddler, and then an hour later she was a teenager, and then minutes later she was a grown woman my age (who looked like me but not like me). I was so scared that someone would come in and think I had done something to my baby when really she was sitting right next to me! The novelty of the dream made all the past day's interactions sound as ridiculous then as they are now, though when I went to sleep I was absolutely furious.