Sunday, April 3, 2011

Delving into minutiae

Whenever I am faced with a big life change or lots of duties and decisions to be made, I tend to pick one tiny detail and devote an insane amount of attention to it. For graduation, it's the outfit, and in particular the shoes.
I did this exact same thing with my undergrad and high school graduations. The shoes are the only things visible other than the required regalia and I think that is an excellent opportunity for whimsy. For my undergrad, I chose some turquoise kitten heels because they could be seen pretty well from a distance and they were really just fun (unfortunately, they also rubbed blisters all over my feet and the paint peeled off them in several places, hence the new search).
This year, I want to pay homage to my alma mater by wearing purple shoes. Sadly, many purple shoes I have admired in the past are long since gone. It seems purple is a color relegated to the hookers and clubbers of the shoe world, with disgustingly high platforms and velvet and skinny, skinny heels, so my search is entertaining but in vain.
I have gone so far as to consider buying character shoes and dyeing the leather (which I read can be done), which might be a good choice anyway because who can tell the difference and they should be rather comfortable. (Plus, just imagine, "Hey! I LOVE your shoes!" "Thanks, I dyed them myself!")
Nevermind the fact that I still don't know where I'm going to work or live in just about five weeks' time, those shoes are the top priority! (insert eyeroll here) Maybe it's because I can definitely control this aspect of the insane changes my life is about to go through.

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