Saturday, June 28, 2008


^^ That is how I feel right now. I hope I get that surgery on my sinuses soon, because it is impossible for me to keep up at this rate. I've found that I will sleep nine or more hours a night, wake up sometime in the afternoon, and still be exhausted all day long. I'm dizzy, drowsy, and post nasal drip gives me stomach aches. I sit on my bed unless I have something else I have to do (like class or work) and watch tv and doze. I am of no use to anyone and I am so frustrated at having an active mind but fatigued body.

For those of you who do not know, I get a really bad sinus infection at around February every year, and this has happened since I can remember. It does not go away until maybe the end of summer, no matter what antibiotics I go on. I miss more school in my spring semesters than in fall, and do somewhat poorly in those classes. A doctor finally referred me to an ENT and I am supposed to have sinus surgery.

Why has this whole mess taken so long?
Well, honestly it's partially my fault.
I saw an ENT in Temple while I was at school in March. He ran a CT scan and realized that I had all these things wrong with my sinuses that it was ridiculous. He wanted to go ahead and schedule a pretty in-depth surgery (not just a balloon sinuplasty, but correction for a deviated septum and something involving removing bone...yeah) but one of my teachers (whom I love and is awesome) along with my parents suggested I wait until I have time to recover.
So, Mom found an ENT in Dallas and told me to send over the records...which I forgot to do. So, we had to send the release form on the day of my appointment in Dallas.
They got the report but not the CD of my CT scan. That was in May. We called back and forth a few times, and finally yesterday the ENT in Temple called me and said that they would send the release to Radiology and they would send the CT in to Dallas. They said if Dallas didn't get it in a FEW WEEKS to call them. Could they be more vague? Then we get to go back in to the ENT and evaluate the CT scan with him, schedule a surgery (which will take awhile) and only then will I achieve the happiness that is an absence of sinus congestion.
Sigh. I want this to happen NOW so I can have some energy again! I've threatened (with decreasing jocularity, mind you) to use a pipe cleaner and do the surgery myself if I could only get some relief!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Awww.. I hope you get to have the surgery soon too! Hope you start feeling better!