Friday, August 29, 2008

This week so far

** Edit**
My appointment is scheduled for 5:30 AM (central time) Tuesday. I can't remember how long the procedure should last but I'm fairly certain I'll be awake by 8. I don't know if I'll feel well enough to post an update tomorrow, but if you don't hear from me tomorrow you should hear from me Wednesday!
I had my pre-op appointment for my sinus surgery today. A doctor stuck a camera up my nose, and I felt it regardless of the anesthetic spray. It was without a doubt the strangest experience I ever had. On the upside, I got to see my vocal chords and my epiglottis along with a lot of other interesting things in my head, including the skin that lines the skull on the other side of the inside of my nose, at which point the ENT said "and on the other side of that is your brain", and I got a little freaked out. Something got knocked around in the process and I am VERY sore in the nasal area, and I can't seem to stop sneezing!
My actual surgery is on Tuesday, though I don't know what time yet (I will by the time most of you read this post I guess). The doctor said it will get a lot worse before it gets better, so I'll be on pain pills and antibiotics, and I have to pack ice on my cheeks after the surgery. I will definitely be out of commission this week (I take a while to heal), so it is a very good thing that I don't have a job right now. One of those would be very nice soon though, I would very much like to generate income and have insurance.

Prayers will be appreciated.

On a side note, I have a funny work story. I'm working at the church nursery this week while they do pre school teacher inservice. I have eight three year olds, and I think I'm in love with them. One little boy in particular is just hilarious. He has somehow developed a New York accent though we live in Texas. We were playing with a toy with a pull-string voice box, and the voice box didn't work. I told him that maybe the doll was "tired of talking" and he liked the phrase so much that he repeated it over and over throughout the day. "Toired of toawking" chorused from his no-nonsense mouth repeatedly throughout the day and set me to giggles. He also told me after we crashed the toy cars we were playing with that that was why "We don't hit or pinch the cars." He said something else about that was why we wear helmets when we ride our bikes, but I can't remember. Tomorrow (Friday) is my last day with these kids and I'm going to miss them! I wasn't too happy that I got threes at the beginning of the week, but this summer has really taught me that all ages of children have very delightful qualities if you get to know them. I'm slowly eking my way out of ageism. Next I may tackle pre-adolescence. Shudder. I don't know if I'm ready for that.


Margaret said...

Yikes! You poor thing! I'll definitely be praying for you.

Heather said...

Oh you poor girl. You are most certainly in my prayers. Aren't kids the funnest ever?? You would adore my Kimbo. You never know what is going to come out of her mouth. She says the funniest things ever.

Christian H said...


Also, "at which point the ENT said 'and on the other side of that is your brain', and I got a little freaked out." Is that a Lord of the Rings Ent, or does it stand for something? Because I at first thought they were giving you something stronger than an anaesthetic.

Christian H said...

My Mom is wanting to know whether you made the rings visible on the header of your blog. I'll check back soon to get the answer!
