Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hiccup! Hiccup!

Well, found another hiccup.
Early in January I experienced some lower abdominal pain. Thinking it was another cyst (as I'm prone to those) I went to the doctor to have it checked out. No cyst. I went on with life figuring that since they had looked at me I would be fine and I could contact someone if it got worse.
Cut to Friday. I'd realized the pain was a bit worse and I experienced some other uncomfortable symptoms. I went to the doctor again.
Now of course the first thing they do at the doctor is take your blood pressure and temperature, and then they weigh you. I jumped up on the scale and then I felt a little faint.
You see, I've always struggled to keep on weight. I really just hated to eat when I was little and though I eat whenever I'm hungry now, I guess sometimes it isn't enough. I remember my mom cheering because I was in the 5th percentile (on the chart! YESSSS!). Anytime I'm in a stressful situation or my time is limited or I'm ill, I drop a few pounds. In college I lost seven pounds the semester I was in pageant. Then I lost them all over again a year and a half later when I had a case of the flu on top of a sinus infection. I never gained them back and have stayed at a very small 92 for about a year.
That day when I stood on the scale, I read 89 lbs. I haven't weighed that in about ten years. Needless to say I had a little conniption. 89 pounds is a BMI of about 17.7 which means I'm officially underweight. Not good. (In research for this blog entry I have read that many doctors say that the BMI is too broad a measure, which I agree to.)
So then I talked to the doctor about all my symptoms and she said I'm...erm...passing a lot of protein. I probably have a UTI and I'm on an antibiotic that makes me dizzy and hot and nauseous.

I know it may seem silly to worry about a loss of three pounds but that's a big deal to me. I'm not always able to guarantee that I can gain it back and I need to be in good shape, especially since the little girl I watch is up to 43 pounds. I've researched a little bit about diet and weight gain and the meal plan I found looked like I would have to increase my food intake by about five times, which I don't think I can do. (BTW guys it's not about packing on the pounds. I have to eat healthy just like anyone else.) It also suggests that I do weight-bearing exercises. Other than rock climbing, I don't like most weight-bearing exercises.
My mother says that we should focus on getting well first and then we will work on the rest of it.

And let me just say this before anyone comments. I know that most people have the opposite problem and think "Oh man I wish I could say that" or something equally belittling. I know that many people struggle to lose weight. But the thing is that underweight people pose many of the same health risks as overweight people. In an absence of body fat, the body goes after muscles for fuel. Because of this, many underweight people are at a risk for heart problems (such as arrhythmia). There's a higher occurrence of brittle bones and osteoporosis. (I'm allergic to milk so I'm already calcium deficient.) One article I read said that underweight people are more prone to anxiety or depression. Less weight means less strength, less fuel, and a diminished ability for a body to keep itself warm. Also, telling an underweight person to "just gain weight" or "just eat more" is like telling an overweight person to just eat less or work out more. So please do not trivialize my problem in light of your own sufferings.
Rant over. I'm really more worried about my health.


Robin said...

Kate, I will be praying that you're able to figure it all out soon and put on some weight. While I have the opposite problem now and can't seem to keep the weight down, in high school and in college, I had the same problem you do now. I was 5'5" and struggled to stay above 100lbs. Like, really struggled. I went to the doctor numerous times and they never did anything for me but say "eat more" and "work out".

I had several teachers and counselors ask me if I had an eating disorder (no) and I too, got sick of the comments from people. I know how hard it is to not be able to gain weight when you really want to and I know how irritating it is to have people say "oh, gosh, I just wish I had that problem!!" so I'll be praying for you!! My metabolism finally slowed down, but I DO know what it's like to be underweight and not be able to do anything about it really. Hang in there chicadee and stay healthy above all :)

skatej said...

Thanks Robin! I think I wrote that a little more angrily than I should have. Everything looks better in the morning.
BTW what's the status of your sister? I keep waiting for her to update her blog so I know she's okay.

Robin said...

From what mom said, Carrie said it's expensive to use the internet over there so they haven't updated as much. She's fine and having a blast though! Hopefully they'll update again soon!

skatej said...

Glad she's ok! She can post about it later.

Christian H said...

I have a friend who is underweight, too. And she eats a ton of carbs, but no vegetables. We (my friends) have no idea how it works.

Pat said...

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your comment on Spencer's blog. You get it!

I truely understand what you are going through with your weight.

I had a friend who had the same difficulties as you gaining weight. Her doctor recommended taking multi-vitamins. I wasn't sure if that's because he felt it was his best recommendation, or he too wasn't taking her seriously. But her health was constantly an issue. I felt so bad for her.

I'm another one of those who has the opposite problem, by about 40 pounds, but I'm in my 50's now. When I was young, I got very thin a couple times, and it was concerning. Not an eating disorder, I just didn't feel like eating. Just as you describe. I would stop eating when I'm stressed or really unhappy.

I've obviously resolved that issue over the years, but I just wanted to let you know, I get it.
