Friday, September 10, 2010

when they exist.

Things I Love
Seeing people act silly in public for the benefit of their children
Let's be honest, there's nothing cuter than seeing a parent play along with their kid in public. Usually it's dads with their young kids. Most of the moms I see with their kids seem stressed and preoccupied. Discussing it with other people, the consensus is that moms feel more obligation and that the dads can leave any time they want. I don't think that is it though.
I think society has put pressure on us, as women, to be constantly poised, put together, and composed. However, guys are allowed to be goofy (men, if you read this, feel free to object to this theory). So it's totally great for men to make rocket ship noises and run around aisles pretending to be transformers or something, but women feel they don't get that chance or something?
I, for one, have absolutely NO problem acting silly, especially for the benefit of children (oftentimes children I don't even know). I am excited beyond belief about the day when my kids and I march proudly into the doors of Target or some other store and spend the entire time playing "puppies" and contributing to their dramatic play. All you proper, stiff, poised women out there, you can sit on it. My kids and I have playing to do. Or we will. When they exist.


Christian H said...

I have heard guys say that the second best thing about being a Dad is that you get to play with toys again. (The best, of course, is being a Dad.)

skatej said...

See, I think toys are awesome, too though!

Miss Willow said...

Haha. Oh parents in public with their kids. It cracks me up, too. I think the perfect mother ideal is beginning to shift...while I don't think women will ever stop wanting everything to at least appear "perfect" I think more and more women are beginning to be ok with the fact that kids are kids and they are just NOT going to behave 24-7...according to my experiences with friends who have kiddos currently :)