Thursday, December 2, 2010

*Charlie Brown Sigh*

So, last October, I really hated the newsletter my workplace put out. It was disgusting. It was disorganized. It was twelve pages long. We had to print out copies for all the parents and teachers of the center. Something had to be done.
(Hi, I'm back)
So, on a day where I didn't have a lot going on, I took my copy of the newsletter and plugged it into a publisher template. I got it down to three pages front and back. It sounded like someone who speaks English wrote it. It was beautiful.
Showed it to my boss.
"This part needs to be changed. But you're right, it does make it more readable."
That was it until yesterday.
"Kate, here are the submissions for the newsletter. You did such a good job with making it more concise last time I thought you could do the same thing."
Typed everything up. Shortened it so it would all fit on three pages. Perfect. Showed it to someone who suggested I make the font size smaller, cut out all this old information, take one reminder all the teachers put in their sections out and just put a big reminder on the front. Done and done. Excellent.
Showed it to my boss:
"Font size is too small. I don't think I want that on the front. Don't cut anything the teachers say because the others don't write anything."
Frustrated. Changed it back. One class takes up almost a whole page of three columns telling us what they did in each and every center. I even leave in their stupid poem. Surely the teacher who got bumped to the back page won't be mad. Filled the empty space with a very VERY generic "happy holidays" message. Done. Printed off 103 copies. Put them in every single mailbox in the center. Hooray. It's OVER.
About to get in the elevator and go down to my office to leave finally after a long week. Run into a teacher who looks upset. Asks if one of the admin is here. No. Why? She's holding the newsletter. My beautiful newsletter. She starts crying. She is offended because her employers spelled her name with an "ie" instead of a "y" and that means that they still don't respect her after all these years.
Apologize to her repeatedly. My fault. Didn't mean to. It wasn't my boss at all.
Took all the newsletters out of her classroom, changed the ONE place where her name was, reprinted it and redistributed.
Have I ever mentioned that I go by my middle name and many people I have known for YEARS call me by my first name on accident all the time? And it really doesn't bother me now because I'm an adult? but no, We have to get upset about everything all the time because "ie" really is so very very different from "y"
*Charlie Brown sigh*

1 comment:

Miss Willow said...

oh're kind of my hero. You put up with so much and manage to handle everything in a way that makes just about everyone happy. I love you. You are fantastic. SEE YOU SOON!