Saturday, December 11, 2010

Go. Become addicted.

I have recently discovered this:The Book Spy
And I LOVE it. Bibliophilism meets Voyeurism (In an only slightly creepy way). It's amazing. Go, my chickadees, go and be addicted.
In addition, I'm ALMOST done with the first lace shawl I will keep for myself (out of baby alpaca wool that I dyed myself!). This sounds selfish, but first consider these:
1) the last two things I knitted were lace shawls I made as gifts.
2) those took my whole summer and the first part of the semester (not that I didn't enjoy it, because I did!)
3) My last knitting projects before those were all baby things for one of my friends
4) I'm facing an extreme lack of warm & pretty!


Fall in love!

Furthermore, my beloved brother is coming this week to stay with me for a whole week! Hooray! This is the FIRST time he has come on his own to see me ever. He came once for pageant when I was in college and visited for my birthday this year. I don't think it will be the two of us on the town or anything, but it will be good to see him! He's taking the train down here and then he will ride home with me when I go HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Yes, that's right, friends, I am going to go home! I have not been home since labor day, and I get to be with my family and friends back home for two whole weeks! I'm almost surprised how very much I miss home (not because I never miss people, because I do, but I'm usually pretty good at being "all there" and focusing on where I am). I'm also looking forward to not having to WORK for two weeks. That will be very nice.

To those of you who will be in town, I can't wait to see you! To those of you in the grad-school area, I will see you when I get back! I don't think you read this, though!


Miss Willow said...

I'm SO glad that you are FINALLY making something for YOURSELF! I love that lovely shawl you made for me...everyone else is pretty jealous of it too :) YAY Benjo coming to visit! That'll be so fun - I hope y'all get some good bonding time together. AND, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!! SOOOOOOOON!!!! Love you :)

skatej said...

I love that you just commented on three of my blog posts. If there is one person I can count on to actually read the diseased ramblings of my cobwebbed brain, it is my Heath. I am BEYOND excited to see you and hug you. I apologize in advance for any popping or cracking that happens.