Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The current song running through my head 12/9

"If you want to sing out, sing out" - Cat Stevens

Some friends of mine in my senior year of high school were obsessed with a band called Relient K. We all joined in the fun of making birthday packages for them, we listened to their cds in the car, and they read their bios and printed and distributed transcripts of their interviews. This is how we found out about Harold and Maude.
It seems that in one of the interviews the guys got tired of answering things and said that their favorite movies were Harold and Maude and The Graduate (and I think one other movie that had to do with an older woman seducing a young man). "Harold and Maude?" they said, and of course they rented it. And despite their being a bit horrified by the movie, they had us watch it at every social gathering.
Despite the stranger parts in this movie, and some of the awkward scenes between Harold and Maude, I think this is an important movie. It really is about finding your way and living life (not being obsessed with death). I love the last scene.

I was trying to decide how to say how I feel about this song. I think I will sing it as a lullabye to my kids one day. And I think that's all I need to say.


lexidoodleellis said...


i like relient k and have always wondered about that movie, but never actually watched it. i may now.


skatej said...

Hi Alexis! Welcome to cranberriesandcheese! Harold and Maude is good, don't get me wrong, but just know that it gets really weird at points. I think though that like The Graduate and other controversial/important movies, it's one that should be viewed at least once.