Thursday, December 11, 2008

Current song running through my head 12/10

Jim Croce "I'll have to say I love you in a song"
I discovered Jim Croce when I was in ninth grade. I went through a "let's make mixed tapes" phase, and went through all my parents' old cds. (Incidentally, I fell in love with U2 and The Police because of this same event.) I came across the album "Photographs and Memories" by Jim Croce. I remembered hearing a tiny portion of "I'll have to say I love you" on one of those CD commercials and thought it sounded really beautiful (I was right), so I listened to it in full. And then I listened to it again. And again. And then I memorized it. And then, being a true angsty romantic teen, I sang it with as much feeling and tears as I could muster, completely missing the simplicity of the piece. I even imagined someone calling me up and singing it to me.
Seven years later, this song feels to me like the most simply honest love song out there. No attempts at flowery speech, no elaborate key changes, and no sweeping orchestral movements. Just beautiful pickwork (one of the surest ways to my heart is pickwork on the guitar. One of these days I plan on mastering it. First I have to focus on getting my guitar re calibrated so the strings will actually hit the frets!) and simple, honest lyrics. I truly am enamored by this song to this day.

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