Saturday, August 29, 2009

Okay, help!

Alright, so I know my room is missing something, and a lot of the wallspace is blank. I have decided to print up a few of my photos and put them on the wall. Here is where you come in: I have (rather obsessively at this point I think) made mock-ups on photoshop of how these would look. Here they are for your viewing enjoyment! Help me pick, please!
Here is the TV area with the sunflower: Here is the TV area with the leaves and cement photo: Here is the desk area with the sunflower photo: Here is the desk area with the leaves and cement photo:Here is the wall with my long exposure photos:

What do you think? I also may print up the pictures I've saved from the many weeks of Feed Your Soul and put them on this wall.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yaay for buses!

My apartment is off-campus and the campus bus route stops right at the complex. Then I get to ride a nice, air-conditioned bus all the way to the center of campus and either wait for the other bus to take me to my building (hasn't worked out yet) or walk about ten minutes uphill to get there.
Today after work (in the same building) I rode the bus to south campus, walked to Chipotle for some burrito-y goodness, then walked across to the bus stop by the park. But it was such a pretty day and the trash can smelled so bad that I decided to walk across the park. The river's very low right now but we got some rain last night and I saw a few storm clouds, so maybe it'll come back up.
By the time I got across to the other side of the park, I was getting very tired. And I saw another bus stop. Awesome, right? The wrong bus line supposedly came through but I decided to wait anyway. Well, what should show up but my very own bus that goes straight to my apartment? A good day. Yes.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Settling in

Hello all! It's been awhile, I know. I was busy moving in and setting up.
That's right, I'm here! My room is very nice but the walls look a bit lonely. I think my posters are too small and I need a bookshelf (like a real standalone bookshelf). Something is missing, some sort of homey touch I had in my other rooms that I can't put my finger on right now. All in good time.
I got a graduate assistantship and I start that tomorrow at 10:30! I'm currently frustrated with the residents of the apartment building that decided to pick up a game of volleyball right outside my room at 11:30. I'll be glad when they're gone. I'm already tired and plan to finish getting ready for bed after I post.
Hmm, it seems they've stopped. Perfect time for finishing things up. Goodnight, all!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Do you ever get so excited about a project that the only appropriate form of expression is a maniacal laugh and rubbing your hands together? Yes. I'm picking up my knitting needles and it involves entrelac (well, garterlac)!!! Excitement!
Also, I got a graduate assistantship. I'm so excited to research with these people!
Also, I move in to my apartment and new life in about three days. Umm...not exactly ready...I have a lot left to pack, but then not a lot left to pack. A lot of it is just big bulky stuff that I can't really move until we want to put it in the car.
Oh, 365 is going strong. If you want to check it out go to the "cranberriesandcheese on flickr" link on the right.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Commence panic sequence in t-minus 10...9...

Okay. I leave on Friday to move in. Great. I have the week to pack, right?
WRONG! I got a call today about an interview for a graduate assistantship. I have anticipated this call for about three weeks now. My interview is Tuesday, and school is far enough away that I'm driving down Monday and staying overnight so I can be fresh and not travel-worn. So that's at least a day and a half out of my packing time. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad this is happening...but oh my gosh I feel so unprepared! And I can't seem to bring myself to get stuff together like I could for college. I also have to clean out my car and buy a few more supplies and finish building my computer desk...I am stressed. And for no reason. As long as I have clothes and school supplies and maybe something to eat off of, I should be fine. Really. And I can come home and bring things back. It's not as if I'm packing for a quest and can never turn back.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Umm...when did this happen?

I leave to move in to my new apartment in ten days. Ten days! How did this happen? I feel so unprepared! I mean, I guess I can just grab the textbooks I feel I may need, get my bike ready (which may involve bringing it out of the garage, letting my dad see its sorry state, and going hunting for another one. Someone piled a bunch of stuff on top of it in the garage and I'll be surprised if the tires aren't mouse-eaten), throw the clothes I currently wear in a bag, and then get the rest of the stuff I've already packed. I know where I'm going to put my movies so I can just pile them in there a few days before. I feel like a kid whose parents have talked to about going to the doctor. They explained everything. They read books. They answered questions. They did medical play. They endured weeks of conversation. And now as they're walking to the office, the kid digs in her heels and starts screaming. I'm not sure that I'm ready yet. But will I ever be?

On another note, I've started a 365 project. If you want to be kept abreast of my daily doings, you can check my flickr page (facebook friends, I'm posting it there, too!).

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is there a way to transcribe a wonderfully happy smile?

I wish I had a song or a picture to explain how I feel right now, but happy/excited/anticipating/sad to leave things behind/scared to do something new is hard to put in a search box.
Today I started looking around at different hospitals and their practicums and internships for Child Life. I even watched a video interview with a retiring director of child life at a children's hospital in Boston. Suddenly it hit me that this is what I'm going to get to do for the rest of my life! Forgive me for my lack of verbosity when I say that I am so totally psyched about this! I LOVE kids and I LOVE playing with them and the thought of helping them cope with being in the hospital and all that comes with it. Growing up I followed Mom around the children's hospital where she worked all the time (they didn't have a daycare center yet. no laws were broken, I assure you!) and when she went to work elsewhere, I missed the atmosphere. I know that sounds strange, but for me the hospital was a place filled with friendly doctors and nurses who want to help people feel better. I get to be one of those friendly people: a child life specialist!
I'm still a bit reluctant to leave, but I finally had that moment of getting really, really excited. I'm so ready!
I move in to my new apartment August 22, and my classes start August 26. I'm starting to get thrilled! I have so much to do, but I'm getting closer to ready!