Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Umm...when did this happen?

I leave to move in to my new apartment in ten days. Ten days! How did this happen? I feel so unprepared! I mean, I guess I can just grab the textbooks I feel I may need, get my bike ready (which may involve bringing it out of the garage, letting my dad see its sorry state, and going hunting for another one. Someone piled a bunch of stuff on top of it in the garage and I'll be surprised if the tires aren't mouse-eaten), throw the clothes I currently wear in a bag, and then get the rest of the stuff I've already packed. I know where I'm going to put my movies so I can just pile them in there a few days before. I feel like a kid whose parents have talked to about going to the doctor. They explained everything. They read books. They answered questions. They did medical play. They endured weeks of conversation. And now as they're walking to the office, the kid digs in her heels and starts screaming. I'm not sure that I'm ready yet. But will I ever be?

On another note, I've started a 365 project. If you want to be kept abreast of my daily doings, you can check my flickr page (facebook friends, I'm posting it there, too!).

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