Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So....grad school

Grad school is hard. Especially when you live in an apartment complex full of crazy undergrads who attend a school known for being partial to partying. Especially when you suddenly fall ill the week of midterms and cannot even look at a computer screen without vertigo. Especially when your room mates are loud at odd times. Especially when you have to get something done, even if you CAN'T look at a computer screen. Especially when your targeted research has no prior work done. Especially when you don't have time to cook for yourself but cannot justify eating out all the time.
I need a that includes the whole school, not just me being so sick I can't stay out of bed for more than three hours!
No, I don't know what I have/had. Symptoms are mostly gone except for some congestion (which is nothing compared to older sinus infections...thank you so much, balloon sinuplasty!) and a looot of fatigue and dizziness. I took the bus home today and watching the cars pass by on the street made me carsick!
Pray that I get all of this done. I'm losing steam.

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