Saturday, March 6, 2010

I learned something today...

I'm just as bad as my father when it comes to being overprotective.

Went to the river with Penny and I was so proud of her! I got her to get her feet wet and while she wouldn't go into the deeper water, she would lie down in the more shallow water. Later she saw a REAL golden retriever (not a mix like her) and ran around with her for a bit, including following her into the water! She didn't go all the way out where she couldn't touch, but all in good time! I will have to get her a retractable leash so I don't break the law and take her leash off for me to stay dry! I definitely got to use my ballet leap skills when she dragged me across a small creek. Not a drop on me...there. The other time when we were both in the water (me just up to my shins) and a dog distracted Penny into pulling me so she could say hi, I just barely excaped soakdom. Bad day to wear white shorts, I say.

After that, we decided it would be best to have an experience at the groomer's at our Petsmart. While we waited for our appointment, we ate lunch (I ate lunch, Penny ate ice) outside of the brand new Chick-Fil-A and bonded with the lady who was working the front door. I learned all about her husband's former dog, an untrainable Jack Russel, and her mom's dog, a stubborn Basset, and she repeatedly spoke of how beautiful and sweet my Penny is. Penny behaved like a perfect lady and, after accepting a Chick-Fil-A cow toy and finishing her ice, laid down politely and let me finish my meal.

Then we went to the groomer. I had to hand my dog off to someone else and let her alone for hours! I watched through the window as they took her in the room and she looked a little scared. That was all it took, really, for me to be nervous about these strangers trying to bathe, brush, clean her teeth, and trim her nails. I perused a few shops but didn't leave the general vicinity, and ended up sitting in my car in the parking lot watching tv on my iPhone. I got a call from the groomer and one of the first things I heard was "I just want to give you an update on Penny..." Oh dear. Turns out my pup does NOT like any form of air dryer. At all. She tried to bite the hose one and didn't like the other she tried, either. She told me I could wait a little longer with her in the dryer kennel (a kennel with a dryer in the room, much less anxiety inducing) or I could come get her. That was enough. I told her I was on my way and basically shot through to the groomer at the other end. Yup, I don't like leaving my dog alone in a strange place. And I was worried about her the whole time. I'm kind of ridiculous. On the up side, Penny smells like Sweet Peas.


Christian H said...

Everything is different! Crazy!

skatej said...

I decided it was time for a template. Is it too distracting?

Miss Willow said...

LOVING the new layout!
And...I'm glad you and Pen had an awesome day! Even if you were insanely worried while she was getting all prettified ;) When are you coming to A-town?

skatej said...

Tuesday. Will you be around?