Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring break...why?

It is Thursday. My spring break is almost over. What have I done with it? I'll tell you: nothing!
I went home on Tuesday (with a several hours long stop at my alma mater)and woke up the next day with an earache. I thought little of it and took Penny for a walk and then went shopping, got some shoes, took her to the park, and then realized I was running a slight fever. Yup, sick on spring break! I'm a little better now but haven't gotten to do anything I wanted! Sigh! Tomorrow, though, I hope I can bring Penny to the dog park before spending time with my friends (for the first time all week! How does this happen?). I was going to go to the Tejas Storytelling Festival but none of the workshops were too appealing. However, Grapevine has a chocolate festival going on Friday and Saturday, and I must say that one thing I love just as much as a good story is good chocolate. At the very least, I didn't have to work this week and I didn't have huge assignments due. And I have just ten weeks until classes are over.

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