Monday, May 24, 2010

I love Texas Summers

I'm not joking. I LOVE Texas in the summertime. Maybe I just love summer. I love it when it rains and steam comes off the cement. In summer, the air looks different. The sun is different. Sunsets in Texas in the summer are awesome. Heck, I even like the occasional Texas sunrise (when I happen to see one). I love road trips with vinyl seats and peeling your leg off to take a rest stop. I love memories of driving out to the ranch and watching the buttes spring up from the ground. I so want to take a long road trip down one of the winding country roads (I35 may be convenient but it made us bypass some awesome scenery.
I love sitting outside on the porch watching fireflies until I can't take the mosquitoes anymore, and grilling corn right on the cob (even if corn is so overproduced and over-modified that it has almost no nutritional content) and cooking out with ANYTHING. I love toad hunts (just find them, catch them, and after looking at them a lot and wondering at finding them, let them go.
I love how music seems different in the summer. I want to make mixes of all my favorite happy tunes and just drive forever. I want to lay out on a blanket and stare at the sky until I fall asleep in the warmth of the afternoon sun. I want to roll down the windows as I cruise down the highway on my way to yet another awesome event in my favorite city. I want to leave my windows open and read in the patch of sunlight that hits my room in the mid afternoon. I want to go to the river and freeze at the cold of the water only to crawl out onto the rocks and air dry. I want to go waterskiing (which is the skiing I think of whenever someone just says "skiing") for the first time since last year. I want to go to the zoo. I want to watch a play in an outdoor amphitheatre.
And I get to do them all and more.
I love Texas summers.


Miss Willow said...

All of that sounds great until you factor in the scorching temperatures!! Haha. I'm glad someone enjoys it, though ;)

skatej said...

Living here your whole life makes you adapt, just like the frozen tundra. Scorching heat? All the better to spend the day napping in the shade or at the nearest water amusement.