Thursday, September 2, 2010

I think I've filled my quota for today...

Things I love
moments that keep me humble...and laughing
So, today at the center life was crazy. I ended up subbing in the baby room until the student worker came in (our schedule had her coming in at noon, then we thought she was supposed to be in at one, and she thought she was supposed to come in at two). We are super understaffed right now and it's not helping when people come in, spend one day in a room, and we never hear from them again, but I digress.
Because my job isn't supposed to place me in rooms, I stopped taking some precautions I definitely took in the summer, such as making sure my clothes were layered and secure and okay to get dirty.
So today I was just wearing a loose v-neck t-shirt, a cardigan, and jeans.
Do you see where I'm going with this? Probably, but I don't think you've thought far enough yet.
The student worker finally came in and I was introducing her to the babies. I sat down facing her and one of the babies crawled up to me and grabbed the neckline of my shirt and pulled, CATCHING MY BRA ON THE WAY DOWN. Yeah. After that I pried her hand off my clothes, set my clothing to rights, and said "well, that was my breast. I think I've filled my quota for today. And now I'm off to the front desk!"
I'm just glad the two male student workers were upstairs.


carriehammie said...

hahaha... oh no!!!! oh, children. they just don't know boundaries.

the verification word is niaticat, by the way. i like that one.

skatej said...

I've been thinking about this. How would one pronounce it? Nee-ah-tee-cat, or Nyah-tee-cat? What are your thoughts?