Monday, February 7, 2011

Can we skip the 14th?

I don't know what it is about this year (I'm lying, I know exactly what it is) but I really don't want to deal with anymore pink or red or chocolate or gooshiness. I think we should skip Valentine's day. Who's with me?
Nevermind the fact that the only valentine I'm getting this year is from Disney Movie Rewards. I'm doing this for all of us. I say we go straight from the 13th to the 15th and make the former 28th the 29th. It'll be like the tacky decorations and the pointlessness of a lovey dovey day in the worst month of the year (Minus the second day of it, because we love Miss Willow) based on, among other things, slapping young women with bloody goat hide never happened.
It may just be the overuse of decorations and emails offering recipes for 'romantic dinners for two' but I'm just done with it. And February. Let's get to March and 80 degree weather. The end.

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