Sunday, February 27, 2011

I cannot wait.

I cannot wait until I can give Penny full reign and let her just run to her heart's content. I want to see her go crazy and chase room mate #1's dog all around the house. I want to take her back to the river and "swim" with her. I want her to almost pull me off the dam because she found children she wants to greet. I want to take her back to Petsmart and let them dote on her (they all knew us pretty well over there). I want her to be a normal level of excited about food (to the point where maybe she doesn't wake me up a full hour early because she's so hungry). I want to walk her the two mile trip to our mail box and back. I want to take her to the dog park and have adventures with her again.
I am so ready to have my dog back to normal.
That being said, I'm really grateful for the treatment saving her life.
And I'm down to her getting me up only once during the night, and usually it's only the hour before we wake up because she's hungry.
We've gone through so much. And I am so proud of her. Wherever we are, I know we'll have an awesome summer.

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