Friday, December 5, 2008

Why do I write a blog?

This is something I've asked myself lately. The other blogs I read are rather thematic, and mine is, just as my header says, full of "random things I say and do."
I know that I started this when people were starting to get interested in the things I knit and crochet (which, incidentally, is why I joined flickr), but because I can't seem to crochet without causing injury to myself (wrist problems. My most uncharitable brother says I'm weak) and because I realized I don't like to sell things, I'm not doing that. Then, when I started finishing pieces in my jewelry making class, I got excited and used this to share my art. But now, I'm not in a class and don't have the resources or the space to make anything (I keep telling myself things will be different when I get my own place, which will happen when I get my own job, which seems to be harder than it should have been).
So what is this for?
Unfortunately, I think I know the answer, it's just not something I'm very proud of.
I suffer from this delusion that I'm rather clever. That the things I say are interesting to others. That people WANT to hear my stories (which often seems to prove untrue...the groans of my classmates in school still sting). In high school I was voted "Most Outspoken," a title I (and my government teacher) lobbied for, though there really was no contest. I've always had a need for a venue to unleash these opinions upon, and what better than cyberspace, right? Because then I'll meet all these interesting people from all over the world who read my blog daily and soon I have a huge following of people who really, truly want to know what I have to say, right? About anything. Rant about the traffic this morning on the way to work and they'll comment about how traffic was equally horrendous on their way, too. Sigh over how difficult things are, and they'll tell you to cheer up, they're pulling for me. Yes, I think I write this blog so that I can get attention. How pathetic is that? I have my own little stage and I'm writing these ramblings that every now and then someone reads, and I really don't have much to say.


Christian H said...

I knew I was signing up for this, at least.
You're still a step ahead of most, though, in that you're not fooling yourself about your readership. And you've got enough friends linked that you can assume that most of your posts will be read by at least a few people. If you impact one person once, is that not enough?

Have you tried a series of themed posts? Something you care about and think other people might find interesting, organized by subtitle, etc.? That might help you feel more organized and directed, at the very least.

And you can keep your fingers crossed for Blogs of Note... which is, incidentally, connected to the word verification I have just now: "grail".

skatej said...

:) I will think about the themed posts. Problem is that I'm so scattered in my day to day life that I tend to think about all kinds of things. Maybe I'll do the "current song stuck in my head of the day" for awhile or something. We'll see.
It is enough to impact one person once; you're right. I need to stop blogging late at night when I'm in a bad mood. I think most of my broody posts have that factor to blame.