Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oh sticky tack, we used to be friends...

Sticky tack stains sheetrock. I guess I forgot that when I used it to hang all but three things on my walls. I've tried using DAWN to get it off but now I have blue dawn spots on my walls. I've heard of using a cornstarch paste to take it off, so I will try that next, but I may just have to end up painting over it.
Dumb apartment. Dumb sticky tack. Dumb sheetrock.
If anyone has a suggestion please let me know! This apartment didn't have a security deposit so they'll just charge me afterwards for anything they have to do and I'm afraid of them taking advantage of me!


Margaret said...

Have you tried a magic eraser, Kate? Those things work awfully well - first home cleaning product that has ever really impressed me!

skatej said...

The problem is that it's oil seeped into the sheetrock. I threw some paint onto it and let it be. I am done. If they want to gouge me for repair fees they can, I am just glad to be out!
I think the Magic Eraser would work if actual sticky tack was still on the wall, but I don't know how well it would work for sopping up oil stains.