Thursday, December 3, 2009

Paparrazi...papa, paparrazi...

Today I was walking through the quad wearing my gloves, trench coat, and a scarf over my ears and around my neck because it was what we in Texas call "cold." I'm sure my Canadian readers (all two of them) will laugh at my gear for 45 F weather, but in my defense it was windy and I suffer from raynaud's phenomenon.
Anyway, whilst walking across the quad, with my coat flapping in the wind that was blasting right at me, I happened to notice a woman stop about twelve feet away from me, pull out a disposable camera, and snap a picture of me. I was definitely making a "what the heck, lady" face when the flash popped. Then the guy she was with nudged her along and they walked off.

Why? Why randomly snap my picture? Surely it couldn't have been a very flattering one. And could you at least have the decency to be sneaky about it?

This town is so weird...


Robin said...

Maybe she has a 365 blog and needed a picture of a crazy Texan ;)

I've been dressed to the hilt in winter clothes too though so I am totally with you! It's cooooold out!

skatej said...

but it was a film camera! a film disposable camera!