Friday, September 12, 2008

On Nothing Forthcoming and Feeling Useless

I am at a very strange place in my life. I don't have a job, I don't have classes to go to, and I don't have anything to do during the day. Besides that, I don't have any energy to do anything during the day.
I've never, ever been in a spot like this. The closest has been during the summers. But I'm not even waiting for school to start. I am waiting for my diploma to come in the mail so I can apply to the current dream job which will have the dual role of filling up space in my days and helping me earn money for grad school. That's right, folks, I still have not recieved my diploma. The community college where I took my last two classes apparently mailed the final transcript on August 19, and my university, or at least the registrar in charge of graduation, never recieved it.
On Monday I went in to the community college on my way to my post op appointment to see about getting the transcript overnighted. I had called the week before and was told to fax one set of information to business services and one set to the registrar's office, but I lost the fax numbers and the web site doesn't have detailed contact information, just a general number and then we get routed all over the place. So when I landed at the business services office, still not feeling well and a bit out of breath, the woman didn't have a clue what I was talking about. She talked to the head registrar and told me a whole other set of directions that I had no time for because I was already late. I told her what I was told to do and she remained firm in telling me that I needed to go to another area in the building. Because I wasn't feeling well, I got frustrated and started crying. I told her, red faced, that I didn't have time because I had an appointment, she said go upstairs to such-and-such department, and I ended up saying nevermind, just forget it and walking off before the tears started spilling.
So there I was, walking through the rest of the school during peak class hours, my face all red and scrunched up, and I was so embarrassed that I got angry and started crying for real. I realize the reaction is too much, but I was again not my normal self. Not my proudest moment. Anyway, the point of all of this is to say that, rather than deal with that woman again, I decided to just normally request the transcript and accept the fact that it will take even longer to get my diploma. I'm just grateful that the registrar in charge of graduation is an understanding woman.
I feel kind of aimless right now...I sleep, I eat, I'm on the computer all day, and I don't have energy to do really anything else. No worldchanging going on here. I guess I'm just frustrated at my apparent lack of goals right now, because there isn't anything to reach for at this immediate place and time. Limbo is the worst of feelings.
In a way I'm glad I don't have any energy because if I did I'd feel even worse about the fact that there's nothing to do but wait. I don't have anyone to take care of, I don't have groceries to buy, I don't really have to do anything but those things essential to living, and I am bored out of my mind.


Margaret said...

I'm in exactly the same situation! I won't be receiving my diploma until November, can you believe it? I have to say, it's so strange not to be in school. My husband and I only live a few blocks from my University, so it's just crazy to watch students rushing off to campus every morning. I have to say I miss it already. A lot.

skatej said...

Exactly! And what do we do now? That REALLY stinks about not getting your diploma until November. I'm hoping to get it this week or so. We'll see.