Friday, September 19, 2008

To Do List

Someone posted their list on Facebook and got me thinking. I made one of these in my junior year in high school and I don't know where it is. Besides that, a lot has changed since I wrote that one. So here is my list of things I want to do in life (saying "before I die" sounds a bit too ominous, don't you think?), subject to change, be added to or subtracted from.
1. Live abroad
2. Finish my education: Get my Master's Degree in Art Therapy, various other graduate certificates, and perhaps a BFA in Studio Art along with my current degree.
3. Finish my book.
4. Have a wonderful wedding and even more awesome marriage.
5. Raise my children to be responsible, considerate, independent thinkers who think about wrong vs right as opposed to obey vs disobey.
6. Get back into dancing
7. Have an art studio
8. Learn to ride horseback (more than just the basics)
9. Own an Irish Wolfhound
10. Go to storytelling conferences and festivals
11. Gain fluency in Spanish and profficiency in French
12. Visit the Black Forests
13. Visit the former Kingdom of Bohemia
14. Be an example
15. Meet Carol Burnett
16. Become more involved in legitimate community theatre
17. Develop a healthy sleeping pattern
18. Join a rock climbing gym
19. Develop my eye
20. Live up to my full potential in at least one thing
21. Do one trip first class and five star all the way
22. Cause change
23. Have a completely open, honest, fearless, selfless, communicative relationship with my husband
24. Try Turkish Delight
25. Become truly proficcient at sewing


Unknown said...

#10 is the best! Having been owned by these amazing dogs for a number of years I can say it's great!


Unknown said...

Oops! I meant #9! It's been a long day!


skatej said...

Thank you, Fran! Welcome to my blog! I fell in love with Irish Wolfhounds when I first saw them in high school at the Celtic Heritage Festival in Bedford. I looooove them. Have a good day!