Sunday, September 21, 2008

Up and arms, the fundamentalists are coming!

If you look in your local Lifeway Christian store for the latest issue of Gospel Today, you won't see it on the shelves.
The Southern Baptist Convention, an ultra-conservative organization that oversees the operation of Southern Baptist Churches, found the cover of this magazine offensive, and while it did not remove the magazine from Lifeway, a store owned and content-controlled by the organization, you will have to ask the person behind the counter for the issue, just like you have to apparently for pornography magazines.
The issue in question? The cover of this issue features five female pastors, and the magazine contains an article about women in ministry. Not an article campaigning for the cause of women in ministry, just an article telling the story of these women.
The SBC, after the fundamentalist takeover in the late 70s to late 80s, put together a new statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message. This document promotes, among other things, the role of the man as the head of not only the household but of the church. It does not believe women can teach men at all, much less preach to a congregation. In many cases this carries over to Sunday school classes, having a woman teach the girls (regardless of subject matter) and a man teach the boys. Southwestern Theological Seminary does not allow women to study certain subjects, and the current president of the seminary is quoted as saying that the new home-ec degree at STS is a truly biblical degree for women to pursue.
I could go on, and perhaps someday I will, but the point is this: Jesus liberated women. As Pastor Tamara Benett said, "Sometimes we forget that ministry is God's business. It's not a man's business. God gives gifts to whomever he sees fit."
So, if there is a Lifeway Christian Store in your area, go in and ask for the magazine. Then tell everyone you see about what the SBC doesn't want published: women obeying their call to ministry.
To read the original article, go to,2933,425565,00.html

*Edit* I took off the part about Paige Patterson's wife because I could not locate the article that details all of the things Dorothy Patterson must do, such as sit behind him, sit lower than him, and walk behind him. It is somewhere in the possession of my former Baptist History professor. It has, however, been told to me on separate occasions by three people who either study baptist history, teach baptist history, or were at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary during that time. It was meant as a truthful statement and not a "hyperbolic expression." Dorothy Patterson's website and all the bios I have found of her describe her as first and foremost a wife and mother. This does not seem bad until you realize that her husband, Paige Patterson, does not describe himself as first and foremost a husband and father. Dorothy Patterson is the only listed female faculty member currently on staff at SWBTS and teaches the "home ec" curriculum, which includes classes like "clothing construction" but does not include classes on Marriage and Family or on finances. Dorothy Patterson's web site is replete with book recommendations about a woman's place in the family, the reclamation of the biblical family, and how to please your husband. I still wonder how the Pattersons and others like them overlook Deborah of the old testament, Lydia, who ran a church in the new testament, and that some of Paul's letters are addressed to a woman.
Here is Dorothy Patterson's website:


Anonymous said...

summer and i saw that!!!
i didn't know his wife has to sit behind him on airplanes, walk a step behind him, etc... ew.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment about what the seminary president's wife "must" do. Do you have proof of this, or are you making it up for hyperbole's sake?

Brittney said...

haha - thanks Kate! I love getting stuff for my camera! :)

Janice said...

Very intersting post! Thanks for sharing it. :) Will be following your blog - looks like lots of good reading! :) [nice to meetcha'!]


Margaret said...

Wow. It really surprises me that they actually took the magazine off the shelves just because they disagreed with it! I know that there are a lot of people that disagree with women having leadership positions in the church, but I don't understand why anyone would feel that threatened by the fact that other Christians disagreed with them. Great post!

skatej said...

The Southern Baptist Convention (after the fundamentalist takeover, of course) has really been known for a "my way or hell" point of view, almost as bad as Cambellites and Landmarkists. The idea is to isolate oneself so far from "the world" that they don't get sullied by it, which is a rather difficult philosophy to live by remembering the importance of evangelism. It's really bad here in the South, with a lot of hurt still from former members of the SBC caught up in the fundamentalist takeover, but the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is making some headway.