Tuesday, January 12, 2010

hating pink and wearing purple

Some of you who are facebook members may have noticed that some females are posting colors as their statuses.
Most of you probably know by now that it was a kind of ridiculous ploy to spread breast cancer awareness. I say ridiculous because that's all it was, a color. No information. No "your wife should check herself once a month." No "here's where you can go to help fund research to find a cure for breast cancer."

I have decided that I kind of hate pink. It's everywhere. Those pink ribbons are on everything and fund research for a cancer that yes, many people die of, but is not the leading cause of cancer deaths. Check cervical or ovarian cancer in women and pancreatic cancer in men. Also, how far have we gotten in the latest technologies in funding this research?

I would like to remind you all that breast cancer is not the only illness in the world that needs research funding. Nor is AIDS, though finding a cure to HIV would help us with a lot of other autoimmune disorders.

What about Lupus? I see absolutely no advocacy for lupus research funding. No one wears purple ribbons. There's a lupus walk in the middle of the day (which stinks for the majority of lupus sufferers who are extremely sensitive to ultraviolet light), but most people don't even know what it is.

Breast cancer people, you relayers for life, you susan g comens, you pink ribbon wearers, you save the ta-tas girls, I support you. Go for it. But stop hogging the spotlight and let other illnesses get some support.


Sam said...

Check out http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/allianceforlupusresearch?ref=ts
and you will find a whole host of peple supporting lupus research. and i have lupus awareness bracelets if you want some. let me know!

skatej said...

I have a few bracelets! Glad to know there are some of us out there!