Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New leash (actual new leash)

Penny demonstrated to me on Sunday that her current leash might as well be lined with razors and cut up my hands pulling me around the park. After searching the web, I have decided on an aspen pet mountain leash from Petco, and it should be arriving shortly. I could have bought one of Cesar Millan's but the rubber tubing on the handle is not my style. And I'm not a huge Cesar fan. Did you know he actually went through all the products in his line in petco and entered a customer review? Bad taste, bad taste. In addition, his leash was four feet long while the one I purchased was six feet (I like a long leash) and his rope leash was 5/16" wide and the one I bought was 1/2" wide. No contest, though I must admit the "stylish" colors the aspen pet leashes come in are far from that. I got the red and grey one because I don't like pink accessories and the blue one looked silly. Black was out of the question anyway because Penny's collar is brown.

So, as I said, on Sunday Penny and I went to the park. We were joined by Carriehammie and Miss Willow, along with our friend Catia, who has no blog (booo, hiss!). Penny pretty much ruled the whole time, as her leash hurt me to hold her back and she was too excited to heed any commands for long. I should have taken her for an exercise walk before hand. Bad me. We discovered that she does indeed love water when she tried to jump into a pond with me in tow. Much entertainment there and a wet dog to boot. I also discovered that hiking with a dog who pulls is rather adventuresome, especially when that includes climbing up or down something. No worries, we are working on the pulling and hopefully next time she will be a model dog. heh... We also participated in some berry wars, which involved picking many berries which were the consistency of pebbles and throwing them at each other (though I prefer espionage and would sneak them down unsuspecting shirts. It was glorious). Those berries STING though when they hit your face!
Afterwards, Carriehammie had to go and Miss Willow and I did not want to, so we all went to Catia's house and had tea and cheese in the courtyard. This was pleasant until it got too chilly to enjoy anything. Penny did NOT like being in the courtyard and proceeded to try to find a way of escape, though she was not successful.

After a very exciting day, Penny and I returned to my parents' house so I could work on homework. Then Penny threw up the entire contents of her stomach in my room. Loverly. She hasn't done it since so I think she was just overstimulated (or overfed...oops!).

1 comment:

Miss Willow said...

Heeheehee...glorious adventures :)