Tuesday, January 19, 2010

*pant* *pant* *pant*

2:30 PM, talking to Miss Willow/:
"So, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?"
"Oh, I don't know, something involving Penny I guess and then I'll finish a chapter of homework"

Penny desperately needed a bath because she was itching all over and beginning to develop a film (never good). So, I took her upstairs to the master bathroom and lured her with her new favorite treats. She would NOT, however, get in the tub. This is how I learned I can lift 60 lbs. Next time, we are going to the self-serve dogwash because I will not have to walk hunched over from bending in half for so long.
It seems that water makes this Golden Retriever mix go crazy, because as soon as she got out of the tub she was running all over the place, rubbing herself on the carpet, stopping and doing some weird sideways lay thing when I told her to stop, and basically bouncing off the walls.
Fool that I was, I thought "Hey! Let's just burn that energy by going on a walk!"
I work hard with Penny on the leash. I do NOT want a pulling dog, so whenever she pulls I turn around and go the other way (and in our neighborhood, there's either going to home or going away from home, no real side streets, so it's hard to get anywhere this way) so fifteen minutes later we were still within about 50 yards of the house. Then whenever we passed by neighbors she wanted to greet them so she'd lunge out after them. I also found out that she likes to chase cars pulling trailers, but no other cars. I almost got torn in half by the leash when she tried to bolt out to see a pair of people walking, and when we got home she spent some quality drying time in the kennel.
Then she got into a fight with the other dog in the house over a toy (started by the other dog who was trying to guard one of Penny's toys) and it looked like they were going to go crazy. I'm going to have to figure out how to keep this other dog from stealing Penny's toys. She does it with ANYTHING Penny is interested in.
They also ran around the room a lot today and in and out of the backyard several times. I am worn out, and Penny is practically comatose under my desk. Brat dog. I hope we figure this obedience thing out QUICKLY.


Miss Willow said...

OH...MY...GOSH. Woah, dang! That's a whole lot of crazy, my dear. Sunona was the same way after we would bathe her...and after she would play in ponds, rivers, oceans, etc... Water just does something to some dogs, lol. Oh my, I can only imagine how exhausted you must have been! Stick it out, love - you'll see results in time :)

skatej said...

Lol well it seems there were other reasons for my emotional state yesterday.
I got Penny to do a 20-second "watch me" for an ice reward. My dog is water-motivated for sure.

skatej said...

Wasn't Sunona part Golden, too?